
‘Talk with Wine’ October 6th 2022

The ‘Talk with Wine’ on October 6th was very successful. There were over 70 attendees to hear Sally Helvey give a fascinating talk on the history of the Cleveland Pools and the story of the 18-year long project to restore the Pools back to becoming a wonderful asset to the community.

The talk was very timely as the Pools have just reopened together with an excellent piece on the BBC One Show featuring the Pools.

Watch out for our next ‘Talk with Wine’ event in early Spring 2023.


‘Talk with Wine’ April 27th 2022

The ‘Talk with Wine’ on April 27th was a great success with over 70 attendees and over £650 raised towards the upkeep of the Millennium Green. Professor Barry Gilbertson’s talk on ‘World Heritage: it’s importance to Bath and our local economy’ was very well received. Barry gave fascinating insights into the benefits and challenges to Bath of being a World Heritage City. Barry also spoke about the Bath Blitz given that April 27th was the 80th anniversary of the Blitz.

Many thanks to Anne Love, to her husband Charlie, to Chris Melbourne and to other helpers for making the events a success. Thanks also to the Royal High School for providing a great venue, the Sophie Cameron Centre.


The 2021 Lansdown Open Gardens

This year’s Lansdown Open Gardens event on August 22nd was a great success with a dry sunny day at long last. Five gardens and the Millennium Green all looking resplendent in perfect summer sunshine. Thank you to everyone for coming to support the event.

Over 325 visitors came and sales of entry, teas, plants and preserves, and raffle tickets raised over £3,000, which is essential in keeping the Green as a welcoming community space for everyone.

Below is a selection of photos from the open gardens and activities on the Millennium Green. (click on a photo to see full size and then scroll through photos).

Orientation: 1
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We are very grateful to the five people who opened their gardens, to all the volunteers who manned the stalls, and to everyone who provided all those delicious cakes. Stan Scott has performed on the Green several times and we are grateful to him once again for providing excellent jazz for everyone to enjoy whilst relaxing with their tea and cake. John, our gardener, prepared the Green so that it was looking at its best, even though we were several months later with the event than we had originally anticipated.

The winning raffle ticket number was 535.


Jeremy Seal Zoom Talk March 7th 2021

The Millennium Green’s first foray into virtual talks was very successful. Local author, travel writer and ‘Turkophile’ Jeremy Seal gave a fascinating talk on his latest book ‘A Coup in Turkey’. He drew very interesting parallels between events in Turkey during the 1950’s and early 1960’s and events in Turkey today.

We hope that later this year we will be able to hold more ‘Tea & Talk’ and ‘Tea & Wine’ events which will be ‘live’.


Jam & Chutney Sale On The Green – Dec 9th

The Jam & Chutney sale on the Millennium Green held on Dec 9th was a great success. All the products were sold out after 40 minutes and £183 was raised towards the upkeep of the Millennium Green.

Many thanks to Jackie Harris for organising the sale and to Brenda Bridgeman, Mary Ede and Bridget Carter for supplying jams and chutneys. Thanks also to everyone who bought products to help support the Millennium Green.


The Virtual Lansdown Open Gardens

The Virtual Lansdown Open Gardens are now open and ready for your visit! This means that despite the Covid-19 pandemic and the cancellation of the physical Lansdown Open Gardens you can visit the gardens which would have been open via photos and videos. With all the wonderful weather that we have had recently the gardens are looking spectacular.

There are six gardens to visit and you can finish on the Millennium Green with virtual tea and cake. Admission is free (any donations of course greatly appreciated!)

Start your tour of the gardens.


Talk with Tea – Sunday February 9th 2020

We will remember Storm Ciara – because we look back on it on remembering that it crossed Bath at the time of another wonderful talk by Amy Frost.

Whilst the storm raged outside, we sat in the snug surroundings of St Stephen’s Centre listening to a perfectly pitched talk on the work of the very architect who designed the building that we were in. Not needing to rush away afterwards, we then enjoyed a tea of sandwiches, scones with homemade jam (from the fruit of the tree on the Millennium Green) and sumptuous helpings of homemade cake.

Thank you to the 74 people who bought tickets for yet another sell-out event. .It was a most enjoyable afternoon, which raised over £900 towards the maintenance of The Green.

We are very grateful to Amy for giving her time and we hope to welcome her back again for another talk on the architecture of our area.

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Talk with Wine, Sunday October 13th 2019

This “Talk with Wine” featuring local author Jeremy Seal was a great success. Jeremy gave an extremely engaging talk about his experiences canoeing down the River Meander across Turkey and provided fascinating insights about life in Turkey. Do visit Jeremy’s website at for more information.

Over 70 people attended the talk which as well as wine featured some Turkish dishes. The event generated over £670 towards the mantenance of the Millennium Green.

Many thanks to Claire Smith and Anne Claxton for organising the event.