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‘Talk with Wine’ March 17th 2025

Our next fundraising event is a ‘Talk with Wine’ at 7:15pm on March 17th, 2025 in the Centre, St. Stephen’s Church, Lansdown.
Geoff Rich, a partner and conservation architect at FCBStudios will be the speaker for a talk titled ‘ The Bath Abbey Footprint project: new design for an ancient monument’.
The Bath Abbey Footprint Project was a £19.3 million restoration project that transformed the Abbey’s sustainability, accessibility, and visitor experience. The project included major interventions to repair the floor, and created new spaces for learning, music, and interpretation.
The project was led by Bath based architects Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios and funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and local donors. Geoff Rich was involved in the project from start to finish, and will share the story.
Tickets are £12.50 per person. The ticket price includes one glass of wine. Additional glasses of wine can be purchased at £4.50 per glass.
To book tickets go here.

Planning permission has been granted for ‘The Lookout’, our 25th Anniversary fort replacement project. We are working with our contractor to fix a date to start the landscaping work and we anticipate that this will be in Spring 2025.
We are still looking for funds to complete this project. You can help by donating at

Due to the weather the ‘Carols on the Green’ on December 5th had to be moved to St. Stephen’s Church but the event a great success. The two choirs, St. Stephen’s Primary School choir and CitySound Voice Bath choir were excellent. The carols together with the mulled wine and mince pies put everyone into the Christmas spirit.

At the ‘Talk with Wine’ on November 25th, Sheila Gundry from Froglife gave a fascinating talk on toads and other amphibians to an audience of 70 people. She also covered the very important Charlcombe Toad Rescue Patrol. The event generated a healthy profit which will go to the Millennium Green.
2024 AGM

The reports from the 2024 AGM of the St. Stephen’s Millennium Green Trust held on 13th November 2024 are available for download.
Our Exciting 25th Anniversary Project

2025 will mark the 25th Anniversary of the Millennium Green as the grand opening of the Millennium Green took place in June 2000. The Trustees have decided that it would timely to replace the timber fort on the Millennium Green and make this our 25th Anniversary Project.
Over the past few years the fort has been showing its age and has needed a lot of patching up to keep it in place and to keep it safe. Many of the timber post are rotting at the bottom and the overall structural integrity is degrading.
The Trustees have decided to remove the old fort and to replace it with a seating area on top of the remodelled mound so that everyone can enjoy the vista. There will be steps through the landscape leading up to the new stone and timber bench which will be circular so that small groups can gather together. A route will lead on through the landscape to a willow house with openings looking out at varying heights, before connecting back to the existing path.
Work should start on this project in the New Year 2025 and should be complete in time for the 25th Anniversary in 2025.
For more information and to donate to this project go to
The Lansdown Open Gardens June 2nd, 2024

The weather was perfect for this year’s Lansdown Open Gardens event and we had a record number of over 400 visitors looking at all the wonderful gardens.
The Plant Stall on the Millennium Green did a roaring trade and for most of the afternoon the St. Stephen’s Centre was packed with people enjoying delicious homemade cakes and teas.
Overall the event raised a substantial profit that will go towards the upkeep of the Millennium Green.
Many thanks to all the garden owners for opening up their beautiful gardens. Also, many thanks to all the helpers who made the day such a success.
‘Talk with Wine’ April 10th 2024

Peter Davenport gave an excellent talk on the topic of ‘The People of Roman Bath’ to an audience of over 65 people. Peter provided the audience with very interesting insights into the lives of the people, both inhabitants and visitors, in Roman Bath over several centuries.
The event raised over £550 towards the upkeep of the Millennium Green and will help towards the projects planned for the next 12 months.

The reports from the 2023 AGM of the St. Stephen’s Millennium Green Trust will be held on 8th November 2023 are available for download.